Latest Episodes
October 12, 2022
Creative Time Management | Consuming Culture
Jason and Ben sit down on the beach to talk about creative time management, especially as it relates to protecting your time as a...
October 09, 2022
Let's Talk about NaNoWriMo!
Jason and Ben talk about NaNoWriMo in the first ever in person edition of Collaborcast! Planning to write 50,000 words in November? Hoping to...
September 28, 2022
The Art of Silence as Writing
Writing isn't simply typing. It's processing the world around you as you try to understand yourself and what it is you want to say....
September 20, 2022
Let's talk about Writing Retreats and Writing Conferences
Jason and Ben talk about the benefits and expectations of a writing retreat and how it differs from a writing conference. Are you looking...
September 07, 2022
Writing Routines that Work (and ones that don't)
Jason and Ben discuss writing routines that work and why it's important to question the wisdom of anybody telling you they have a formula...
August 31, 2022
How to Write a Novel: The End (and things to remember along the way)
Jason and Ben wrap up their How to Write a Novel series with some thoughts about the end of a book and the process...